Video testimonial of Angela Jones, Executive Director of the Cerebral Palsy Center, after her and her staff participated in the L.I.V.E. Program training.
" I am the Executive Director of the Cerebral Palsy Center in Knoxville, TN. We work with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in employment services, a day program, and in residential programs.
Our staff train for approximately 60 hours in addition to job shadow before working to support someone. We make sure staff can safely transport someone, feed someone, assist with hygiene, communicate effectively, and understand the challenges of each specific person. We are very focused on assuring our staff are trained well and comfortable with working with someone before we assign them to provide support.
I have always thought our process ensured the absolute safest outcome for those we support. Knowledge for staff is a powerful asset and mitigates incidents of consequence.
I recently became aware of the L.I.V.E. program and contacted Matt Estridge to train our staff about proactive/reactive measures in a safety situation. Of the approximately 80 hours of training our staff receive on how to keep our folks safe, none of it focused on an emergency situation involving an active shooter. I had no idea we were so ill-prepared.
Now I feel like we absolutely offer the safest support to all of our folks because we are ready for dangerous situations. The vast majority of the people we work with have limited mobility, most in wheelchairs. That creates another whole layer of complexity to safety, and Matt addressed that with our staff by having them move with him throughout our building, assessing risks, and developing emergency plans in the case of an active shooter.
Our staff have initiated monthly Safety Drills to stay sharp on what we learned and we feel empowered to take the best care of the people we support. We are so grateful for Matt's time and expertise to truly fully train our staff on how to keep everyone safe.
I hope that every agency/school in our state has the opportunity to learn the tactics and strategies of the L.I.V.E. program. "
- Angela Jones, Executive Director of the Cerebral Palsy Center
Video testimonial of Villa Edwards (Plateau Pediatrics Administrator) after taking the L.I.V.E. program training.
" I thoroughly enjoyed the session. What he said made a lot of sense. I feel more confident in myself that if, heaven forbid, something happens we have a better understanding that we CAN defend ourselves if we have to instead of being a victim. I would highly recommend him to anyone! "
- Plateau Pediatics Employee
" The class yesterday was absolutely awesome! I was very nervous about the class due to something that happened to me when I was 18 years old ... When I was 18 years old I was working at a restaurant where one night the back door was left open. I was in the dining room doing the closing clean up when all of a sudden 2 men with guns and masks came through the kitchen doors demanding I come with them to the back doors. I was then forced at gun to my head to walk back to the back doors where I was then robbed at gunpoint. The bad thing about this is I was standing right next to the exit door where I had time to escape but I did not know what to do so I just complied with what I was told to do. Luckily everything was ok and once they got what they wanted they just left. This was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and it has definitely scarred me for life. Still to this day I cannot stay home at night without having flashbacks. The previous "active shooter" classes we have taken were good, but I had nightmares for 2 weeks following the training. This class yesterday gave me the confidence I needed to know if something were to happen I would know what to do. I went home to my husband and just was so excited about this class and the confidence it gave me. The approach that was taken in teaching the class was great and very powerful. I just really appreciate that I was able to be a part of this class and feel that if something were to ever happen to me again I would for sure know what to do. It almost brings me to tears I am so grateful!!! "
- Plateau Pediatics Employee
" The training was AWESOME! It was fun and informative! I like that Matt puts it into a format that the everyday person can comprehend! I felt a lot more confident in myself and my co-workers afterwards!! "
- Plateau Pediatics Employee
" I absolutely loved our session, it was a relaxed approach to a very serious situation and gave me lots of tips to carry out and share with my family in case of an emergent situation. Thank you so much for setting this up and let Matt know it was greatly appreciated! "
- Plateau Pediatics Employee
" I really enjoyed the active shooter training yesterday. It was really cool to see the different tactics close up instead of on a TV screen. He was so thorough and it never felt like he was talking down to anyone; he is a fantastic teacher and definitely knows what he is talking about! It feels good to know that if something were to happen, we have the tools we need to be able to defend and protect ourselves. It makes me feel more confident in myself. Thanks for bringing him in! "
- Plateau Pediatics Employee
Video testimonial of Angela Hudson, Public School Teacher (25 years of experience), after taking the L.I.V.E. Program training.
- Angela Hudson, Public School Teacher (25 years of experience with a Master's Degree in Education)
Video testimonial of Scott Mashburn, Vice President for Student Life, after taking the L.I.V.E. program training.
- Scott Mashburn (Tennessee Wesleyan University - Vice President for Student Life)
Video testimonial of Brian Gard, Tennessee Emergency Management Association (TEMA) President & UT Emergency Preparedness Director, after taking the L.I.V.E. program training.
- Brian Gard (University of Tennessee - TEMA President, UT Emergency Preparedness Director & 23 year Marine)
" Thanks to Rep Debra Moody & Friends Matt & Nikki Estridge for a terrific meeting with Gov. Bill Lee to address school safety through preparedness training #LIVE
Extra treat to hangout w another #VFL Lady Vols Softball Star & a Veteran who has served our nation. #TNLeads " (Twitter)
- Chair Robin Smith (Tennessee Representative)
" It was two years, I met Matt Estridge ... he gave a little-mini training for some of the legislators ... to show us what he would propose to do for our schools and our teachers and our children ...
What resonated with me ... many years ago I read a book called the 'Survivors Club' and the premise of this man's book was that he was intrigued with why people survive disasters ... and some did not. The common denominator was they had a plan.
This is basically what we would be doing with our school children - is to give them a plan, an actual life-skill that they could take with them wherever they go. Because we realized now ... you might have an active shooter in church ... at the mall ... at the movie theater ... we are constantly surrounded by this threat. We don't have control over intention or capacity, but we do have control over the opportunity and ability to defend yourself. And so, we call this intentional readiness. "
- Chair Debra Moody (Tennessee Representative)
Video testimonial of Andrew Chitwood, Principal, after taking the L.I.V.E. program training.
- Andrew Chitwood (First Baptist Academy - Principal)
" As a participant in the LIVE program, I found it extremely informative and helpful. This experience was echoed by other colleagues and participants as well. I wish Matt and his LIVE program reach more companies and people in our community. "
- Peyman Dehkordi (CEO of Uster Technologies)
" Watched the testimonials and in my humble opinion, they hit the nail on the head. The training really focuses on application of what you teach. Fortunately, what you teach is relatively easy to remember and seems very logical. "
- Al Pirie (Director of H.R. for Uster Technologies)
" I just wanted to thank you for the training today with Matt. This is probably the single most useful training I can remember in the time I have been with Uster. Thanks for thinking of this and acting on it. I am sure we all are appreciative of this kind of training. "
- Uster Employee
" This was a very good class. I especially liked that the instruction was hands on (not videos, handouts, etc.). In this application, it was great to practice and walk through the steps. "
- Uster Employee
" This is the second time I have had this type of training. The last time was specifically for churches, and was taken from the material prepared by Texas State University ... (ADD) ... The other class covered situational awareness, controlling your panic and adrenaline, and how to barricade yourself away from the shooter ... However, the end of that class was, 'in the end you need to be prepared to defend yourself' but gave no details on how. I think Matt is class picked up there and rounded it all out ... "